Check the dimensions of your device to see if it will fit with our adjustable wall mount. Vertical Height: Maximum 10" (no minimum), Vertical Length: 3.5"-10", Vertical Depth: 1.8"-2.9". We offer larger and smaller adjustable wall mounts if your device Does not fit this one
You’ll be able to install this wifi router wall mount bracket quickly and easily. Includes dry wall screws and anchors. After installing the router holder, simply tighten the bracket until your device is secure
Hide your wires and boxes to enjoy a clean, organized TV setup. Our cable box mount for back of TV is perfect to pair with a mounted TV, just mount the cable box wall mount behind TV
Signal from your remote won't be blocked. Infrared Signals remotes, Radio Frequency remotes, and Bluetooth remotes will still work with the device behind the TV, you can test your device by holding it behind a TV and having a friend try the remote.
If you have any problems with your adjustable wall mount, modem wall mount, send it right back to us, no questions asked.